Being a parent is a responsibility that you will be accountable for. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Surely! Everyone of you is a guardian and is responsible for his charges: The Imam (ruler) of the people is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects; a man is the guardian of his family (household) and is responsible for his subjects; a woman is the guardian of her husband's home and of his children and is responsible for them; and the slave of a man is a guardian of his master's property and is responsible for it. Surely, everyone of you is a guardian and responsible for his charges." (Al-Bukhari)

To be able to do your best as a parent, you need to put the 5 qualities of a Muslim parent into action. These are:

  1. Kindness
  2. Patience
  3. Affection
  4. Lenience
  5. Guidance

You might have read about these five qualities so now you want to acquire them and use them. You might even have some but it would be so great to have them all.

But where to start? Here's where The 5 Qualities of a Muslim Parent course comes in.

It will take you through these 5 qualities. You will get down deep and get personal. It's where I share my own personal story and struggles to show you by example on how to apply these 5 qualities. There is also a secret Facebook group where I will be there to give you the extra support that you may need. By the end of the course you will have put into action these 5 qualities, in shaa Allah.

When you join the course, you have access to the journal and checklist to download. These will help you make the journey to reaching the Muslim parenting qualities easier.

What you get:

13 practical lessons that cover the 5 qualities of a Muslim parent.

Printable journal to record your thoughts, answers and reflections.

On completions, you will get the checklist of what the actions to take so you can check them off everyday.


As a special bonus, at the end of the program, I will give you my Guiding Children bundle AND my mini ebook on How to Improve Your Relationship with Your Child (there are exercises in here to help you do so) free to further help you in your parenting journey.

Bonus 1:

Bonus 2:

Members are seeing immediate breakthroughs. Here's what they have to say:

Alhumdulillah I'm so glad I signed up for this course. I've learnt to look into myself as to why I do what I do! We take our children for granted and are so miserly with hugs and kisses and appreciation. JazakAllahukarin sister for giving practical advise. I am taking away a lot from just these 14 days...but the thing that will inshaAllah always remain with me is The 3 Simple Steps of guidance! BarakAllhahuFeek


This course had been a reminder that my final report is with Allah and it is Him that we need to be mindful of in all our actions. I had been extra conscious of what I had been doing/saying to my children. This elevated the level of love and warmth in my home. Now I hug and kiss my children more and in return I see them being more at ease. They seem better at expressing love and are learning to withhold anger during fights. I am glad that I got to be part of this at this early stage of parenting when it is very easy to connect with children and to mend my behaviour.

Haya, mother of 2 

A hundred pregnancy forums & parenting boards didn’t teach me what the 5 Qualities of A Muslim Parent course by Jameela Ho did. In the last two weeks, having a handbook that taught me how to deal with these in a wise manner, in the light of the Sunnah was exactly what I needed, for optimum parenting AND the satisfaction of having no doubts over our parenting techniques or actions. With Jameela’s guides and infographics, I was able to map my anger and channel my thoughts better, and I was able to test other ways to handle such situations.

Haifa, mother of 2

Praise for this course:

5 star rating

Masha Allah! Great course!

Lubna Rasheed

Alhumdulilah! I completed the course one time and have learned so much and also implemented some techniques and to my surprise, Alhumdulilah! they worked. M...

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Alhumdulilah! I completed the course one time and have learned so much and also implemented some techniques and to my surprise, Alhumdulilah! they worked. My intention is to keep doing this course until I am able to completely understand and implement this course. Insha Allah!

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About the instructor

Jameela Ho

Jameela Ho is a mother of two children and a teacher of young children. She holds a Master of Education and is an experienced teacher. She helps parents and teachers with their children’s learning on her education blog You will find many free printables, lessons, teaching ideas and educational theory based on research there.Jameela also helps parents to form close relationships with their children on her parenting blog . If you want to nurture your relationship with your child then visit this blog and keep a lookout for her parenting books and workshops there as well.

Course Curriculum

  • 1


    • Assalamu alaykum and welcome!

    • Download Your Muslim Parent Journal

  • 2

    Lesson 1: Looking into the Past to Learn

    • Patterns of Parenting

  • 3

    Lesson 2: Purify Your Parenting Intentions

    • Why You Parent the Way you Do

  • 4

    Lesson 3: Being Kind in Speech

  • 5

    Lesson 4: Being Kind in Action

    • Spending Time With Your Child Is a Kindness

    • Lesson 4 Kindness in Action

  • 6

    Lesson 5: Developing Patience

    • The Second Quality of A Muslim Parent Is To Be Patient

    • Be The Centre of Calm For Your Child

  • 7

    Lesson 6: Remaining Patient

    • Take A Deep Breathe And Count To 10

    • Lesson 6 Deep Breathing Techniques

  • 8

    Lesson 7: Showing Your Affections

    • The Third Quality of A Muslim Parent Is To Be Affectionate

    • Connect Through Touch

    • Lesson 7 Ways to Be Affectionate

  • 9

    Lesson 8: Continuing To Be Affectionate

    • Connect Through Non-verbal Communications

  • 10

    Lesson 9: Setting Boundaries

    • The Fourth Quality of A Muslim Parent Is To Be Lenient

    • Establishing Limits

  • 11

    Lesson 10: Leniency for Mistakes and Forgetfulness

    • Identify Your Child's Action

    • Lesson 10 Identify the Reason

  • 12

    Lesson 11: Guiding Your Child

    • The Fifth Quality of A Muslim Parent Is To Be Guiding

    • Simplify Your Instructions

  • 13

    Lesson 12: Advising Your Child

    • Give Choices

    • Week 12 How to Give Advice

  • 14

    Lesson 13: Putting It All Together

    • One Step At A Time

    • Qualities Of A Muslim Parent Checklist

  • 15

    Feedback And Bonus Materials

    • What Did You Get Out Of This Course?

    • Please fill in this survey

    • Bonus Parenting Books Download

Be the Muslim parent with the qualities of kindness, patience, affectionate, leniency and guidance for your child today.

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